Maths Mastery
At Chandlers Field School we follow the National Curriculum for Maths. We have an exciting and inspiring method of teaching Maths for Mastery. This is a transformational, evidence-based approach to maths teaching which originates from high performing Asian nations such as Singapore. Maths is taught in order that children have time to really understand 'why' as well as 'how'. They master the subject becoming able to solve maths problems without simply memorising procedures or just one method.
We follow a maths mastery scheme called "Maths - No Problem!" We chose this after researching different Maths schemes. We like it because it is child-centred and fun to teach, as well as having been assessed by the DfE as a high-quality textbook to support teaching for mastery. Children work through a series of textbooks from Year 1 to Year 6. A similar teaching and learning approach is also followed in Reception where children investigate and discuss Maths in everyday life.
Importantly, we find it to be a very inclusive approach where all children achieve.
Click on the Maths No Problem link to see videos produced for parents and presented by Dr. Yeap Ban Haar.
We teach maths daily and apply across the curriculum wherever possible. Our aim is to ensure that our children have a secure understanding of maths and are able to recall and apply their knowledge quickly and accurately. Problem solving and reasoning are an important part of every lesson. The Maths No Problem approach is outlined in more detail in the pdf documents below. This provides a good idea of what happens in our maths lessons.
Learning through a clear progression of mental and written methods, children develop understanding and the skills to carry out calculations independently.The children will develop mathematical reasoning and learn to solve problems by applying their mathematical understanding whilst seeking solutions to problems. The scheme of work covers the National Curriculum.
The attachments below provide further information on age related expectations.
Parents have asked for more information on written methods of calculation. The following links are useful sites when discussing written methods of calculation at home. These methods use the children's number sense (knowledge of tables, number bonds, number patterns) which they learn from KS1 and lower KS2. These methods are for when mental strategies no longer work due to the size of the number.
Video Links (Search on these sites for other operations....not just division)
Useful sites
The following documents include the national expectations by year groups. There are also maths booklets that can be used as prompts and reminders with the children. This is useful if a child feels they need to revise from a previous stage. e.g. to understand how to build up to using a written method of calculation. The booklets are in order with 0 relevant to Reception and 6 relevant to Year 6. Each booklet meets national expectations with opportunities to master concepts and prepare for the next stage.